Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Marmalade Obsession

I may have mentioned I have a teeny tiny tendency to get carried away when I embark upon a new project. So, I'm a little obsessed with marmalade right. BSE (best sister-in-law ever) came up with the idea of making meyer lemon marmalade and was talking about it when we made the tangerine a few weeks ago. When I ventured into the backyard this weekend and saw a nice little crop of meyers just begging to be picked, I decided it was fate and I had to make some marmalade. I used the same Alton Brown Recipe that I talk about below, just substituting the lemons in for the tangerines. It turned out quite well, but didn't set up quite as nicely as the tangerine did.

In my googling for info on lemon marmalade, I came across a few things that have me off and running. First, is this wonderful article on Preserving Citrus. It has lots of interesting info on different techniques, but what I took away from it is that for a basic marmalade, you just need equal parts (by weight) of fruit, liquid and sugar. Second was the recipe for Spicy Balsamic Basil Orange Marmalade.
For my version I used tangerines from the tree, basalmic, fresh basil, tangerine juice and sugar.

Here's how I did it:
Cut tangerines into thin slices, then cut slices into 2 or 3 pieces.

Weigh the fruit and put into a large stockpot. (my fruit weighed about 600 grams)

I used a small bottle of good basalmic vinegar, then added enough fresh squeezed tangerine juice to make the liquid equal 600 grams. It didn't seem to me to be quite enough liquid to cover the fruit, so i added just a little bit of water.

Put the whole mess on the stove and boil until the fruit is very soft.

Then add 600 grams of sugar, and I put in a few dashes of hot sauce to give it just a little kick on the finish.
Boil until it reaches 222 degrees.

Then proceed with the canning process that I describe in the tangerine marmalade post.

It set up beautifully and now I am brainstorming all kinds of ideas. Sangria Marmalade is next!

I took pictures to show more of the process, but can't seem to upload them. I will keep trying!!

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